Monday, October 4, 2010

Grandmama, Grandmama, I love my Grandmama!!!

There is just something magical about Grandmas! I remember how special I felt when I was with my Grandmas, and I love watching Tori have those same experiences with her three Grandmas. I think that the following pictures help to explain this a little further - Tori loved, loved, loved having her Grandma Allen here!!!
I don't think there is anyone better to read a book with than Grandma!!!
Fast friends and playmates right from the start!

And not to leave Grandpas out - Grandpa Allen sent some awesome "Grandpa Gifts" for Tori - she is going to look absolutely adorable in all of them!!!
Tori had so much fun showing all of her toys to Grandma!
Tori also shared her Baby Einstein movies with Grandma- and for some reason she thought it would be great to watch while in the drawer!
Yep, nothing better than reading with Grandma!
Grandpa did an awesome job picking out these monster pjs - so cute!
These two read many books together throughout the week!
Since Tori started walking, she has cut way back on her cuddle time. So, it just melted my heart when I walked out of our room this morning to find Tori cuddling with her Grandma! This is by far my favorite picture of these two - it just shows how close they are and I love it!!!
Thanks for another fantastic visit Grandma - we miss you already and can't wait for the next one!!!

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