Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Tomorrow is National Talk Like a Pirate Day- argh!!! Since Jared doesn't get home on Thursdays until after the kids are in bed, we decided to have our pirate festivities today! I have been so excited about it and figured the kids would be, too. When I told Tori what we were doing she looked at me and said, "I'm a Tori girl and I don't like pirates." Well, at least Garrett seemed excited to be pirates for the evening!
We started out by making pirate hats and figuring out our pirate names! Let me introduce you to Dirty Harry Kidd!
And here is Captain Mary Bonney (aka Pirate Princess Tori- the name she gave herself!)!
I went by Dread Pirate Kidd for the evening! (I think we need to find a new website next year with a few more last name options!)
And Jared was our Captain James Rackham! (Definitely our most piratey looking pirate!!!)
I think we need a little help with our pirate hats for next year as well- the kids' hats were pretty sad!
For dinner we went all out and ate with our hands! I know, very pirate-esque!!! When we told Captain Mary Bonney (aka Pirate Princess Tori) our plans she boldly stated, "I like silverware!" And went to get herself a spoon. Maybe this idea will catch on a little more next year! However, she was super excited that she ate her toast with her hands- progress!!!
All-in-all, we had a very pirate-filled evening with tons of swashbuckling fun! And just remember, "a pirate says arghhhh!!!"

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