Thursday, December 19, 2013

Packing Our Memories Away

After having our house on the market for nearly 5 months, switching Realtors, and having only 3 showings, I was beginning to wonder if we would ever be able to post that our house had sold. But yes, as of last Wednesday our Christmas miracle happened and we accepted an offer on our house! Then the panic set in. We will be closing on January 15th, but had planned on leaving for Texas on December 20th to visit Jared's family for Christmas and not really having a set date when we would be back in Indiana. After running through about every possible scenario, we felt the best about getting everything, and I mean everything, packed and ready for our move before we left for Texas. As you can imagine, the last week and a half has been insane- but our house is all packed up and we are ready for our move! We have really seen so many tender mercies from our Heavenly Father in this process! When we put our house on the market, we felt impressed to box up a bunch of things we weren't using- so, roughly half of our house and most of our garage was already done! The day after we accepted our offer, we discovered that our first choice of apartment was available and is now waiting for us to move in! I could go on and on, but the basic thing is that our Heavenly Father loves each of us, He is intimately aware of everything going on in our lives, and He does all He can to bless us! I have seen this over and over in my life, and we have most definitely seen His hand in selling our home!!!
Tori and Garrett were our big packing helpers!
They especially loved this huge stack of boxes! (Thanks so much for hooking us up, Frank!)
Where's a great place for a picnic? Why, on top of the huge stack of boxes, of course!!!
Here are a few pictures from tonight...
 ...our entire front room is one mountain of boxes!
It's amazing how walls and a roof can come to mean so much! We are going to miss our very first house tremendously- along with our wonderful neighbors and our amazing ward! But we are also really excited for this next chapter in our lives. Bloomington, here we come!!!

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