Saturday, June 6, 2009

Recent Growth take 2

Okay so with the new growth entry we just posted we forgot some good shots.....
Here is our tomato plant blooming to soon form beautiful tomatoes for us to enjoy
Oh my look mom real live tomatoes on our plants..WOOOOT
Aww..a future strawberry for us to enjoy
Rachel and I are developing quite the green thumbs. We cannot wait to apply what we have learned from our apartment style gardening and apply it to our future real home garden gardening.


  1. Wow, Rachel! Awesome gardening! I think I might give it a try this summer. See what can withstand the heat!

  2. Man, You guys are growing machines... I can't wait until you start harvesting! Then we are going to have a party! Tomatoes, Strawberries, and a BABY!!! Man I wish babies cooked faster in the oven! I am soooo anxious to be the next Uncle Doug! I have HUGE shoes to fill, but I can't wait!

  3. Growing things are everywhere these days! Go visit our blog to see the newest thing in our family, Sebastien!
