Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Zoopolis 500

In celebration of the Indy 500, today we attended Zoopolis 500 at the Indy Zoo! I have to admit that it was a spectacular event- much more than just a tortoise race! When we got to the arena we were met with the 500 Festival Princesses- the princesses for the Indy 500. Very uncharacteristically, Tori got really shy. These girls were wonderful with her- one of them asked if she would be in a picture with them and another even let Tori wear her tiara!
Tori and the 500 Festival Princesses!!!
We all enjoyed our free milk (it was sponsored by the Dairy Association) while we waited for the race to begin!
There was even a parade to kick things off! Here we have the Dairy Princess escorted by a cow!
And then the 500 Festival Princesses escorted by a lion!
Tori waving back to her princess friends!
And then came the tortoises- voila, end of parade! Whoever planned this must have small children! Next came the fabulous Zoopolis 500! I thought it was great that each tortoise had a uniform. And then, they were off!!!
Garrett was not happy during the race. He wanted to run and climb on everything. I'm such a mean Mommy and made him stay by me and Tori!
Hurrah to Marco- the winner!
Tori and Garrett loved watching the tortoises eat their victory fruit!
After the race, we made sure to see all of our zoo favorites! Sadly, there were few pictures taken- it's rough trying to keep up with two kids, dodge 50 million school field trip groups, and run a camera at the same time. I did happen to capture some pictures of Tori and Garrett creating their own butterflies!
They made some beautiful ones!!!
Tori, Garrett, and I had a grand time at the Zoo today! And I am super proud of myself for tackling the outing without Jared. (Although it would have been much more fun with him there!) Here's to another Indiana bucket list item checked off!!!

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