Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Really Good Question

At my doctor appointment the other day, I was asked a question I was not ready for. He asked me, "what was the most shocking thing about becoming a parent?" Being taken aback, I rambled off something about not getting much sleep. In all honesty, it is shocking how little sleep you get and how utterly exhausted you feel those first few weeks. But I wasn't pleased with my answer. How could something so momentous as becoming a parent be defined by a lack of sleep? I have been thinking about it all week and finally feel like I have my real answer. I still don't know if I can adequately convey all of my feelings, but I'll do my best. It is shocking how things that seemed so important all of the sudden don't matter at all. And conversely, how quickly your beautiful child becomes the center of your life. It is amazing how I can just watch her all day and be completely entertained. We absolutely adore every new sound and face that Tori makes. It is so much fun being able to see her experience so many "first" moments. And it is so incredible how much closer Jared and I have become. Our love for each other has deepened as our love for Tori has blossomed. Becoming a parent is definitely one of the sweetest and most amazing experiences I have ever had and one I am glad I get to share with Jared for eternity!


  1. what a great post! Being a parent is amazing.I can't remember life without my kids!

  2. that is one great answer....and completely true.

  3. Definitely a great answer to that question. I love all the pictures! Alyssa has always had problems with bows. Tori's growing fast! I like the talking to the bear picture and the 'precious moment' picture, too. So cute! It's fun to see daddies and their babies do things together. It's so sweet!
