Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tori's First Feast!!!

This year we were once again invited over the the Willison's to celebrate Thanksgiving with their family. The Clarke family was also able to come and we enjoyed getting to know them better. As we were finishing up with all of the cooking, the kids had a great time playing together. Tori has always been pretty good about playing near other kids, but not really with them. But this week she has started to turn into a little social butterfly.
Here she is, just one of the kids!
Tori loved all of the fun new toys to play with, and Jared did too!!!
Here she is with her very first Thanksgiving dinner! Tori at least tried everything and I would probably say that she liked the sweet potatoes best.
She showed once again that she is Daddy's girl when we got to dessert and she ate an entire piece of banana cream pie!!!
Here are all of the kids!
Tori, Lincoln, and Christian matched so nicely that we tried to get a few pictures of them together...
too bad Tori was done with picture taking!
I was very excited that we got a family photo taken as well!!!
Thanksgiving is really a wonderful holiday! I love that we have a whole day set aside to remember and be grateful for all of our blessings! This past year, we have been truly blessed. We have been blessed that I could stay home with Tori. We have been blessed with Jared's amazing job. We have been blessed with a beautiful house to live in and wonderful neighbors that surround us. Most of all, we have been blessed to have the gospel in our lives - to know that our Savior sacrificed so much for us so that we can live with Him again one day! There really couldn't be a better blessing than that!!!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone- we hope yours was just as grand as ours!!!

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