Sunday, February 13, 2011

We Made It!!!

Just in case you were wondering... Tori had a fantastic first day in nursery! Jared took her in and got her all settled. When he slipped out, she was sitting in her chair like a big girl and eating her snack. The nursery leaders said she didn't react at all when he left. I have to admit that today was a rough one for me. I was a little weepy all day long. I know that seems silly- Tori was only down the hall with several ladies and kids we know very well- but it seemed a little lonely not to have her with me. And then there is that whole our baby is growing up thing (I have a feeling I may never get over that). So, we both made it through today - Tori just did a much better job than I did. Hopefully next week will go better for me and just as great for Tori!!!
Here is Tori all ready for her big day!!!
And no - Puppy didn't go to Nursery with Tori!

1 comment:

  1. Tori is not a baby any more! What an adorable little girl she is! I am glad nursery was good even if it is hard to let go. You will have the same experience when she goes to preschool, kindergarten, etc. Love you tons!
